

Dr. Niki Ružević

Dr. Niki Ružević

Dr. Ivana Rojnica

Dr. Ivana Rojnica

Dr. Marija Bilić

Dr. Marija Bilić

Josipa Tomić

Josipa Tomić

Ivana Delić

Ivana Delić

Bruno Ružević

Bruno Ružević

Tea Ružević

Tea Ružević



IDC Ružević is an innovative centre of dental implantology governed by the motto "Everything in one place". In many ways we stand out from similar institutions in Croatia and believe that we have gone the furthest in the field of X-ray 2D and 3D CBCT diagnostics, analysis, individual approach to each patient and the application of the most sophisticated methods, premium materials and state-of-the-art devices.

IDC Ružević is a licensed Centre in several domains with Certificates that guarantee the patient that they will be treated successfully and that their problems will be solved as in the best centres in the world, only on significantly more favourable financial terms.

40 years of experience in working with patients, more than 20 years of active work in implantology, a special approach to patients in dental tourism and a partner dental laboratory that monitors our efforts in everything.

DC Ružević offers the services of free examination, X-ray 2D imaging, analysis and diagnostics. We made this decision to raise awareness of the importance of oral hygiene and maintaining oral health, and to make it easier for a potential patient to gain insight into their condition and the therapy needed to achieve a high level of oral health. At the Centre, we are constantly educating ourselves and acquiring new knowledge and skills, thus upgrading our knowledge. We constantly follow trends in the world and implement everything we deem necessary in our work.

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