


After waking up, rinse all teeth briefly with diluted oral antiseptic (Recommendation Oral B liquid) It is quite intense, so we recommend diluting it with water (eg half a cap of liquid and half water).

After breakfast, we recommend thoroughly washing all tooth surfaces, the biting surfaces of the upper and lower teeth, both on the cheek side and on the palate / tongue.

The recommended brush is with soft bristles, and the choice depends on each one (eg Curaprox ultra soft). The head of the brush should be of such a size that it can reach the back teeth. The choice of toothpaste is individual and depends on the taste and sensitivity of the patient.

Namely, the most important thing is that after a few minutes of brushing, the toothpaste does not irritate your tongue. Change the toothpaste until you find one that doesn't bother you when washing.

The brushing technique we recommend is one in which you hold the brush with your hand at an angle of 45 ° to the border of the tooth and the gums so that you push the gums downwards, ie towards the teeth, also in the lower jaw we push them upwards, as if massaging the gums. . With light pressure and circular movements, we go over all the surfaces of the teeth.

We brush the biting surfaces of the posterior teeth with horizontal movements with the bristles of the brush laid perpendicular to the biting surfaces. Finally, brush your tongue and rinse your mouth with water.

The function of brushing teeth is not only brushing teeth but also inter-dental spaces as well as the neck space where food usually stays (creating dental plaque as a precursor to tartar) and this should therefore be given great attention.

In addition to these brushes, we recommend an electric toothbrush and a shower for professional cleaning and rinsing (ORAL B) as an upgrade. Showers are especially good for implant work and we recommend them to everyone. After brushing your teeth thoroughly, you need to take extra time to clean dentures if you have them


· During the day, it is enough to rinse the oral cavity with enough diluted oral antiseptic after a meal.

· If you find western food between or below the prosthetic replacement, an interdental brush is a quick and practical solution.

It is a small brush that is intended for cleaning the interdental spaces (space between two teeth next to the gums), the space between the tooth and the dental crown, the space under the dental crown (cover) where there is no natural tooth, but it is replaced by a crown in the bridge, space around the implant, etc. In short, the interdental brush is intended for cleaning all the areas around the teeth that we cannot reach with floss or a toothbrush.

Take care when choosing a brush because the best one is the one that passes easily through the spaces. You must not bleed your gums with interdental brushes. This usually means that the brush is too big for you.

Prosthetic dental floss (superfloss):
If you have prosthetic works in your mouth, such as a bridge, the thread is very helpful in cleaning the space under the bridge. It would be best to use a special type of thread that is designed for just that - superfloss.

One end of the thread is thickened and thus facilitates the introduction under the bridge, and the central part is especially soft and wide to make it as easy as possible to clean the space under the bridge. You can use the same floss around dental implants and orthodontic braces.

If you want, you can also put some toothpaste or mouthwash on it that you normally use. Superfloss floss is used after each brushing.

Dental floss (dental floss):
It is recommended to use dental floss after each brushing at normal physiological interdental sites where the gums (interdental papilla) fill the interdental space.

There are threads impregnated with menthol or various antimicrobial coatings. The floss is wrapped around the middle fingers of both hands and is introduced into the interdental space with the index fingers by pulling movements (as when sawing wood) into the space between the teeth.

Adjacent teeth touch each other so-called. contact point - this is where the thread must pass before we start cleaning.

When introducing the floss, it must not suddenly "skip" the contact point because it then injures the papilla (the triangular part of the gums located in the space between the teeth).

Skipping can be avoided by keeping the thread sufficiently taut during insertion and gently pushing it through the contact point. The floss is passed along the dental necks of both teeth that delimit the interdental space.


· It is the most important part of oral hygiene (after the last meal) because it removes all deposits, food and bacteria that are collected during the day, and can cause a long-term problem if not removed properly.

· Evening hygiene includes a toothbrush and toothpaste (all procedures like brushing your teeth in the morning), oral antiseptic and DENTAL SHOWER - absolutely the most important thing in your oral hygiene from the moment you get a new prosthetic or implant-prosthetic work.

· A dental shower is an electrical device intended for cleaning all hard-to-reach areas, cleaning implants and areas under bridges. It works on the principle of water and pressure directed to the space we want to clean.

· Every good shower has its own tank where clean water is poured (preferably one stopper of oral antiseptic is added), the desired pressure is set and the shower head is directed towards the space we want to clean.

· All the above procedures are repeated after the last meal.

· The dental shower comes in several sizes, speeds and brands (Waterpik, OralB, etc.), choose the one that suits you best because most of them work on the same principle. They are available in pharmacies and most hardware stores.

· There are several extensions in the shower package that can be distributed among family members as needed, so that all family members can use it. It is suitable for orthodontic braces as well as healthy intact teeth. For all generations.


· If you are a smoker, try to quit or at least reduce smoking, your new smile required a lot of effort, work, finances, time and sacrifice to give it up for cigarettes!

· Adjust your diet, cut harder and concrete pieces of food into smaller or tear into smaller pieces, do not bite off the front teeth by force! (this is not recommended for healthy teeth, especially for prosthetic works)

· Monitor the situation around your bite, if you see that one tooth is hitting the opposite of the other teeth, call for bite control.

· As stated in the warranty card you received at the end of your therapy, adhere to your annual check-up which includes:

· Control X-ray,

· Cleaning and polishing of teeth and works,

· Control of bites and surrounding tooth structures.


· Follow the instructions of oral hygiene! From the moment of the end of "our work" in the office, "Your work" begins, which is the most important, because the health, longevity and, of course, the beauty of your new smile depend on your care. Professional teeth cleaning with sandblasting and polishing cannot be done in such detail at home. So don't forget to make an appointment every 6 months and come to our clinic for a check-up and tartar cleaning.

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