

Periodontal diseases are one of the main causes of tooth loss and it is very important to diagnose them in time and start appropriate therapy. The first sign is bleeding gums and inflammation around the teeth. The spread of such inflammation from the gingiva to the periodontal ligament and the bone surrounding the tooth root leads to a decrease in the quality of the tooth abutment, which ultimately results in tooth loss.


1.  Factors influencing the course of periodontal disease

Factors that affect the course of periodontal disease can be:

- genetic predisposition
- weakened or disturbed immunity
- systemic diseases
- composition of saliva
- prosthetic replacements
- oral hygiene
- smoking

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2.  Pathogenic bacteria - the main cause of periodontal disease

Over 500 different types of bacteria and fungi have been found in the oral cavity. Together they form a very important segment in the digestive system because they are responsible for breaking down proteins and removing food debris from the teeth and mucous membranes of the mouth. Under ideal conditions, bacteria and fungi coexist in complete balance and control each other, and the whole system is very sensitive and easily thrown out of balance.

Any acute or chronic disease, diet, poor hygiene and inadequate dental work can upset the perfect balance and lead to the proliferation of pathogenic strains of bacteria to the detriment of beneficial and good bacteria. Then there are diseases of the teeth (caries) and diseases of the soft tissues, i.e., gums (periodontitis). This type of narrowly localized disease can have an effect on the whole organism and be a trigger for various other disease states such as joint problems, heart problems and hair loss (alopecia areata).

The proliferation of pathogenic strains in the mouth takes place in dental plaque that is glued to the teeth, most commonly in the neck area of ​​the teeth. The first colourless layer of plaque on a tooth is called a biofilm. Studies have shown that biofilm provides a safe habitat for bacteria, allows bacteria to "communicate" with each other and to coordinate their activities. In proportion to the aging of the biofilm, the resistance of bacteria increases ,and they survive more easily inside it.

Mechanical cleaning and mouthwashes do not remove bacteria within the biofilm well enough, and even strong antibiotics rarely provide sustainable results. In this way, side effects and the possibility of creating resistance in bacteria from the biofilm to prescribed antibiotics often occur.

Diseases such as periodontitis, peri-implantitis, caries, pulpitis and wound healing disorders after surgery can be successfully treated in a simple and effective way with the help of HELBO therapy performed WITH HELBO LASEROM

Bacteria found in the biofilm, around the teeth and on the gums increase the risk of diseases such as:

• periodontitis and peri-implantitis
• pulpitis
• caries
• alveolar osteitis during tooth extraction
• Inadequate treatment after apicotomy
• residual osteitis (impaired healing of implants, especially in the case of immediate implantation)

3.  Initial therapy of inflammatory periodontal diseases

The goal of any therapy for periodontal disease is to remove bacteria as the main causes of inflammation. Dental plaque and tartar that adhere to the walls of the crown and root of the tooth are the main habitats of bacteria that cause inflammation of the supporting tissue - the periodontium. The therapy of a particular periodontal disease depends on its form and progression, and in principle we can distinguish therapies for gingivitis and periodontitis.

Treatment of gingivitis comes down to removing dental plaque and tartar above the level of the gingiva. This is achieved by a combination of professional cleaning in the office performed by a dentist with the help of special devices for removing dental plaque and consistent daily oral hygiene performed by the patient at home based on detailed instructions received in the office. For professional cleaning, various hand and machine instruments are used, which break the hard structure of tartar and enable its thorough removal. Sound and ultrasonic instruments are most often used, which tear off pieces of limescale with their vibrations, and then sandblasting removes finer particles of limescale, plaque and various impurities and pigments. After cleaning the tartar, the tooth surfaces are cleaned and polished with a brush with the addition of a slightly abrasive paste. This smoothes the tooth surfaces, which slows down the re-accumulation of plaque and tartar.

In periodontitis, gingivitis is always present, so the first phase of treatment is identical, and it tries to calm the inflammation itself. After the inflammation subsides, plaque and tartar are cleared in deeper levels, in the pockets, on the surface of the tooth root. Root polishing is carried out by closed and open method. Both methods are performed under local anaesthesia, similar instruments are used, and are usually performed in several steps, quadrant by quadrant. Once cured, periodontitis does not mean that the disease cannot occur in the same or another place. The long-term health of the periodontium significantly depends on the way of maintaining home and professional dental hygiene. Initial therapy, cleaning of tartar and polishing of tooth surfaces above and below the level of the gums, prevents the progression of the disease, the amount of bacteria below the level of the gums and slows down its course. Paradontna bolest

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